Yusef Lateef Songs
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Yusef Lateef - FANA Publications - YAL Records
Catalog of all Yusef Lateef Recordings. ... The Gentle Giant , the autobiography of Yusef Lateef Available on Amazon.com!
Yusef Lateef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lateef publishes his own work through Fana, which includes Yusef Lateef's Flute Book of the Blues and many of his own orchestral compositions. ...
VH1.com : Yusef Lateef : Artist Main
Get the complete artist information on Yusef Lateef, including new videos, albums, song clips, ringtones, photo galleries, news, bios, message boards, ...
Amazon.com: Eastern Sounds: Music: Yusef Lateef
Amazon.com: Eastern Sounds: Music: Yusef Lateef by Yusef Lateef.