X-Sinner Songs
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MySpace.com - X-SINNER - Orange County, California - Rock - www ...
MySpace music profile for X-SINNER with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
X-Sinner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
X-Sinner is an American Christian heavy metal band formed in the late 1988 by guitarist Greg Bishop. The band is known for having a very similar sound to ...
Compare prices for X-Sinner - Read gospel & religious music ...
Yahoo! Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for Compare prices for X-Sinner - Gospel & Religious Music > Christian Metal Music.
Featured Metal Band: X - Sinner
This time we'll take a look at the melodic metal band X-Sinner. I got in touch with the bassplayer Rob Kneip and asked him some questions about X-Sinners ...