Thee Midniters Songs
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Thee Midniters Greatest CD
Thee Midniters Greatest CD music CD album $13.65 in stock at CD Universe, Thee Midniters Lil' Willie G, vocals, trombone, harmonica, piano, ...
Thee Midniters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thee Midniters were amongst the first Chicano rock bands to have a major hit in the United States, and one of the best known acts to come out of East Los ...
Thee Midniters - Free Music Downloads, Videos, Lyrics, CDs, MP3s ...
Thee Midniters feature on ARTISTdirect. Includes free downloads, music videos, lyrics, bio, discography and merchandise information.
Thee Midniters - Songs
THEE MIDNITERS - Songs. Mid 1960s Latino garage band. Best known songs include "Whittier Blvd." (1965). To listen to a song clip, click a song title or ...