Queen Latifah Songs
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VH1.com : Queen Latifah : Artist Main
Get the complete artist information on Queen Latifah, including new videos, albums, song clips, ringtones, photo galleries, news, bios, message boards, ...
Queen LA | the queen latifah fanlisting
Welcome to Queen LA, the official fanlisting for the beautiful and talented Queen Latifah. Have a look around, and if you enjoy La's work as much as I do ...
Queen Latifah | Featured Videos, Photos and Articles | MTV
MTV brings you a free and extensive collection of Queen Latifah's Music Videos, Articles, Photos, Playlists, Downloads, and Ringtones.
Gale - Free Resources - Black History - Biographies - Queen Latifah
During the late 1980s, Queen Latifah emerged as one of the most significant artists to enter the scene of rap recording, and earned a reputation as one of ...