Opera Babes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Opera Babes are a classical music group consisting of Karen England (born 1974), Mezzo Soprano, and Rebecca Knight (born 1970), Soprano. ...
OperaBabes – Listen free at Last.fm
Listen free to OperaBabes (Lakme, Beyond Imagination & more). The Opera Babes are a classical music group consisting of Karen England (born 1974), ...
Amazon.com: Beyond Imagination: Opera Babes: Music
This debut by Opera Babes holds a lot of promise but there's far too much ... I first heard of the Opera Babes when I was browsing at a record store and ...
Opera Babes on MSN Music
Biography: Taking their name from a spectator's comment while busking in the piazza of London's Covent Garden Market, the Opera Babes have established ...