...Nous Non Plus Songs
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Nous Non Plus
Nous Non Plus - The best French rock band in all of New York City. Former members of Les Sans Culottes, Celine Dijon, Jean-Luc Retard, etal.
MySpace.com - Nous Non Plus - New York City, New York - Powerpop ...
MySpace music profile for Nous Non Plus with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
Nous Non Plus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nous Non Plus is a french indie rock band based out of New York City. The band consists of Céline Dijon (vocals), Jean-Luc Retard (bass and vocals), ...
SPIN.com: Nous Non Plus
It follows, then, that a faux-French band of mostly Yanks, Nous Non Plus, has formed to revive the sound of '60s Franco pop on U.S. shores. ...