Nocturnal Rites Songs
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Nocturnal Rites, Official Website, Heavy Metal Power Metal from ...
Nocturnal Rites, the official website here you will find tons of mp3s, lyrics and other things to download.
Encyclopaedia Metallum - Nocturnal Rites
Nocturnal Rites's page - general information, complete discography (including lyrics), links and reviews.
Nocturnal Rites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nocturnal Rites is a Swedish power metal band formed in 1990. ... Lost in Time - The Early Years of Nocturnal Rites (Best-of/Compilation, 2005) ... - Nocturnal Rites - Umea, SE - Metal / Rock / Other ...
MySpace music profile for Nocturnal Rites with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.