Lau Nau Songs
Select a song to view albums and online MP3s: - Lau Nau - kemiö island - Freestyle / Folk / Other ...
MySpace music profile for Lau Nau with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
Lau Nau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lau Nau or Laura Naukkarinen, is a singer/songwriter from Finland. She is also a member of free improv and psych folk bands Kiila, Päivänsäde, ...
YouTube - Lau Nau: Pläkkikanteletar
Lau Nau: PläkkikanteletarFrom Kuutarha -album (Locust music, 2005). Video by Mikko Kuorinki (2006)Copyright Lau Nau / M.