Klimt 1918 Songs
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MySpace.com - Klimt 1918 (New Album Out Now!) - Rome, IT - Indie ...
MySpace music profile for Klimt 1918 (New Album Out Now!) with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
Klimt 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Klimt 1918 was started in 1999 by brothers Marco and Paolo Soellner, after the split of their former band, Another Day (a death metal act). ...
Klimt 1918 – Music at Last.fm
There are 5358 Klimt 1918 listeners on Last.fm. Klimt 1918 is an Italian Alternative Rock/Prog-Rock band. Their name comes from the austrian secessionist ...
Encyclopaedia Metallum - Klimt 1918
Klimt 1918's page - general information, complete discography (including lyrics), links and reviews.