Jenny Dalton Songs
Select a song to view albums and online MP3s: - Jenny Dalton - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA - Alternative ...
MySpace music profile for Jenny Dalton with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
CD Baby: JENNY DALTON: Fleur de Lily
Jenny Dalton's music is rich with haunting vocals, moody piano, and epic rock ballads. She is influenced by sound-sculptors and lyricists such as Tori Amos, ...
[Music] Jenny Dalton-â€Fleur de Lily†review « Media through rose ...
Feb 23, 2008 ... Jenny Dalton is an artist I came across completely blind-and I realize she’s an independent artist with a MySpace Page and it’s difficult to ...
Largehearted Boy: Daily Downloads (Jenny Dalton, Throw Me the ...
Oct 28, 2007 ... Hugo Varvoglis" [mp3] from Carbon Lily Remixes (out November 6th) other Jenny Dalton music blog posts: @lhb @hype ...