Howard Devoto Songs
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Howard Devoto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Howard Devoto (born Howard Trafford 1955 in Manchester) is an English rock and roll singer/songwriter who began his career as the frontman for the punk band ...
PopMatters Music Interview | Howard Devoto: Interview with a ...
Howard Devoto: Interview with a Resurfacing Should-Have-Been Musical Legend, by Charlotte Robinson - Howard Devoto is one of those musicians who, ...
HOWARD DEVOTO & MAGAZINE Discography, Biography and Links at Mr ...
Howard Devoto was born Howard Trotter in Manchester, England in 1955. At the dawn of the punk movement, in 1976 he and Pete Shelley (real name, ...
Howard Devoto
It's my long lost hero, Howard Devoto, the singer from Magazine' ... And sure enough it was Howard Devoto disguised in golfing clothes ...