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Hillsong Worship
Hillsong Worship is one of the most popular Australian praise and worship music group. They have been dominating the worship music sense for years. Based in Sydney, Australia, this divine musical group started making music in the 1980s at the Hillsong Church. The music that Hillsong Worship creates takes the listener through a divine and blissful musical journey. And it connects the soul with the almighty. Having released some truly spectacular tracks that have been featured on the Billboard magazine charts. They have won several prestigious awards. Hillsong Worship has given the worship music scene some of the best music ever created. Their talent has also earned this worship music group platinum in the US. The band has some incredibly talented artists which include Darlene Zschech, Marty Sampson, Brooke Fraser, Joel Houston, Reuben Morgan, and many more such famous musicians. So let’s go ahead and explore the evolution and journey of this divine and melodic worship music group.
The Evolution and Journey of Hillsong Worship
Hillsong is a mainstream Christian rock and worship group working out of Australia's Hillsong Church. It is a Pentecostal service situated in northwest Sydney. Since the mid-nineties, different musical gatherings like Hillsong Worship, Hillsong United, and Hillsong Young and Free have worked under the Hillsong brand. And they found far and worldwide accomplishment with a bounty of chronicles. A considerable lot of which have sprung out of the congregation's yearly occasions. Some of them are like the Hillsong Conference and Encounterfest. After Hillsong recordings started topping the Australian pop charts during the 2000s. The congregation kept on growing and spreading its divine music to various locations across the world. By the 2010s, Hillsong had developed a significant presence in the United States. With music albums like “Zion”, and “Let There Be Light”. Their music topped the Billboard Christian charts and was dominating the worship music industry.
Establishment and Inception of Hillsong Worship
Hillsong church was established in August 1983 by New Zealand locals Brian and Bobbie Houston. Hillsong Church was initially known as Hills Christian Life Center. In the beginning, the assembly included only 45 individuals. But they soon grew to nine hundred in a matter of four years. As the congregation's music service developed, the Houston’s established the Hillsong Conference in 1986. And a yearly occasion was formed to provide support and help the contemporary Christian performers. Eventually, they released a live CD with the label Hillsong Live. That was later changed to Hillsong Worship. Their album “The Power of Your Love” was released in 1992 and it featured talented songwriter and singer Darlene Zschech and Geoff Bullock. And by the time the decade ended, the Hillsong brand was very notable and popular. In 1999 the Houston’s changed the name of the church to “Hillsong”. Regardless of a few contentions that made the congregation become a lightning bar for their solid political positions. The juggernaut went ahead. And in 2004, the live Hillsong Worship music release “For All You've Done” dominated the Australian pop music charts. In the following year, more than thirty thousand people attended the Hillsong Conference. By mid-2006, the Houston’s had grown tremendously. And they witnessed almost nineteen thousand parishioners attend the services every week.
Evolution and Creation of Hillsong United
With time, the Hillsong Worship series evolved and now has converted into an annual release. Now, they share music recorded at the Hillsong Conferences which is held yearly. Hillsong United was also started as the congregation's youth ministry music group. Initially named United Live, the gathering was first driven by vocalists and musicians Marty Sampson and Reuben Morgan. Soon after in 1999, they started their debut project titled “Everyday”. And this was the creation that earned them the love and fame from several fans and audience. Each album was unique and recorded in the October Youth Conference Encounterfest. This event was held yearly. And with time, their music touched and inspired millions of lives. This made them one of the most prominent worship music groups. But Reuben Morgan left United Live to pursue a solo career in 2002. Joel Houston took over his place. Joel was the son of the Houston’s. And he suggested that the name be changed to Hillsong United. And with time, this musical group released several stellar albums. They include the 2006 release “United We Stand”. This album was a huge success. And their name and music spread all across the globe. And in 2007, they released “All of The Above”, and went on creating some incredible music.
Hillsong Worship’s Goal and Objective
Hillsong Worship’s sole desire and purpose is to serve the worldwide Church. And outfit devotees wherever with melodies of the Holy Spirit. The combine power that lifts up and celebrates the Name of Jesus. Having released some truly divine and blissful tracks like “Who You Say I Am”, “What A Beautiful Name”, “Cornerstone” and many more. They have touched and inspired millions of lives with their harmonious music.
With a collection of some of the best worship music artists. Hillsong Worship is on its journey of spreading love, positivity, and inspiration through their divine melodies.

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Listen free to Hillsong (salvation is here, One Way & more). Hillsong's music has become well-known internationally amongst Christian groups.
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