Hail Social Songs
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MySpace.com - HAIL SOCIAL - Philadelphia - Gothic / New Wave / Pop ...
MySpace music profile for HAIL SOCIAL with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
SPIN.com: Hail Social
Though "Hail Social" just sounds like another band name consisting of two words strung together in a nonsensical juxtaposition, when deconstructed, ...
Amazon.com: Hail Social: Music: Hail Social
Amazon.com: Hail Social: Music: Hail Social by Hail Social.
village voice > music > Hail Social's Modern Love & Death by James ...
The second album from Philadelphia's Hail Social is not vaguely, but rather clearly, happily, lucidly, wallopingly '80s. When singer-guitarist-keyboardist ...