Groovie Ghoulies Songs
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Groovie Ghoulies | Intro
News, photos, discography, tablature, photos, audio and show information straight from the band. - Groovie Ghoulies - SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA - Pop Punk ...
MySpace music profile for Groovie Ghoulies with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
Groovie Ghoulies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Groovie Ghoulies were an American punk rock band formed in Sacramento, California. They released numerous albums, EPs, and singles, ...
BeatNonStop - R.I.P. Groovie Ghoulies
The Groovie Ghoulies, one of Sacramento's great punk exports, have apparently called it a day. The band's music was like a nonstop sugar rush of pop-punk, ...