Grand Magus Songs
Select a song to view albums and online MP3s: - Grand Magus - SE - Metal / Metal / Metal - www ...
MySpace music profile for Grand Magus with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
Encyclopaedia Metallum - Grand Magus
Grand Magus's page - general information, complete discography (including lyrics), links and reviews.
Grand Magus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grand Magus was formed by former Cardinal Fang vocalist Janne "JB" Christoffersson and bassist Foxy. [1] The soon teamed up with drummer Fredrik "Trisse" ...
YouTube - Grand Magus - Ulvaskall
Grand Magus at Bradford Rios July 2004. ... Marked as spam. Reply. 3 Bands played, Orange Goblin, Grand Magus and Witchcraft. One of my best ever gigs ...