Gladshot Songs
Select a song to view albums and online MP3s: - Gladshot - NEW YORK, New York - Pop - www.myspace ...
MySpace music profile for Gladshot with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
George Graham Reviews Gladshot's "Relic"
Gladshot formed from the combination of two previously individually-operating, and acclaimed, New-York-based singer-songwriters, a man and a woman -- a ...
CD Baby: GLADSHOT: Burn Up and Shine
Gladshot is a New York City band from Debbie Andrews and Mike Blaxill, two musicians who've gotten together to prove that literate, finely-wrought pop can ...
Gladshot - MP3 quality Music Download | Gladshot!
Gladshot and so much more - MP3 quality Music Download.