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Gil Scott-Heron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gil Scott-Heron (born April 1, 1949) is an American poet and musician known primarily for his late 1960s and early 1970s work as a spoken word performer. ...
Malcolm X, Gil Scott-Heron and Stevie Wonder - Speeches ...
The most comprehensive info on Malcolm X Gil Scott-Heron and Stevie Wonder. Books Poems Lyrics Malcolm X Speeches and more!
Gil Scott Heron - Revolution will not be telivised
At 49, Gil Scott-Heron stands as a towering figure of black popular music. With a masters in creative writing from Johns Hopkins, the writer, poet, ...
Gil Scott-Heron Page
Born in Chicago in 1949, Gil Scott-Heron became one of the inspirators of Rap Music. ... Gil Scott-Heron is a very important part of the Soul Music jigsaw. ...