Gerry Rafferty Songs
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Gerry Rafferty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gerry Rafferty (born Gerard Rafferty, 16 April 1947, in Paisley) is a Scottish singer and songwriter. He is the son of a Scottish mother and an Irish father ...
Good Scottish Pop - Gerry Rafferty
OK, so what's pop music's most memorable sax intro of all time? No contest. Baker Street wins by a country mile, unless you're a Kenny G fan, in which case ... : Gerry Rafferty : Artist Main
Get the complete artist information on Gerry Rafferty, including new videos, albums, song clips, ringtones, photo galleries, news, bios, message boards, ...
Rolling Stone : Gerry Rafferty
Rolling Stone gives you total Gerry Rafferty coverage including free music, videos, photos, music news and exclusive Rolling Stone articles.