Geoff Gascoyne Songs
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MySpace Profile - Geoff Gascoyne, London, , UK, Bass player, composer, ... Geoff Gascoyne has been a band leader for over 10 years, having released 5 CDs as ...
Geoff Gascoyne - Verve Records
You have reached the artist page for Geoff Gascoyne. In the right column you will see a listing of their Verve Music Group discography (active catalog ...
Geoff Gascoyne on Rhapsody
Geoff Gascoyne: Rhapsody has all the latest music by Geoff Gascoyne, including popular playlists, picture galleries, music videos and the biggest online ...
Geoff Gascoyne, Keep It to Yourself | | Guardian Unlimited Arts
Geoff Gascoyne is Jamie Cullum's bassist, and the leader of his regular band. Returning the favour Cullum turns up on two tracks here, and supplies the ...