Dexter Gordon Songs
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Dexter Gordon: The Hard Bop Homepage
Photograph, liner notes by Ira Gitler from "Doin' Allright" on Blue note and a discography.
Jazz Artist Biography - Dexter Gordon@
Since 1997 JAZZREVIEW.COM has been your jazz music connection to reviews of the hottest new jazz releases and so much more. JAZZREVIEW.
PBS - JAZZ A Film By Ken Burns: Selected Artist Biography - Dexter ...
Dexter Gordon began to play clarinet at the age of 13 and studied music with Lloyd Reese, during which time he played in a rehearsal band with other pupils ...
The My Hero Project - Dexter Gordon
The only musician ever nominated for an Oscar was Dexter 'LTD' Gordon (Long Tall Dexter) for ... When it came to playing ballads Dexter Gordon had no equal. ...